Monday, December 31, 2007

The Foreign Policy of the US

This nation cannot survive by pointing guns at other nations we call "evil." Such as Iraq. The leaders of that nation had no links to Al-qaeda. Nor was it a threat to the U.S. So why did we invade? The answer is easy the American imperialism. The liberation of the Iraqi people is not up to us. That is not our moral obligation. We our not obligated to free Iraq from "tyranny." It is good to have a big stick but do not use it in diplomacy. We cannot be a country that devotes itself to policing the world and making other nations do what we say.
We can be safe without using our military to watch over countries. Why do we need to be in South Korea? They can take care of themselves. If North Korea attacked them the war wouldn't last long. The South Koreans are industrialized they can take care of themselves. Why are we still in Germany? The Cold War is over. Bring our troops home. To the ones that want us to have war with Iran because they want to destroy Israel. Well I have news for you Israel has one of the strongest military on this Earth maybe only surpassed by China. They also most likely have the second largest amount of nuclear arms.
Some people justify us being in Iraq because of the dictatorship and tyranny in that nation. Well what about one of our biggest allies, Saudi Arabia. They have one of the worst dictatorships, the leaders are rich while the people are poor, there is no real middle class. No one dares call for war against them because of forty percent of our nation's oil comes from the Saudis. It has also been proven that most of the insurgents in Iraq that are killing our men and women are Saudi. Though I still do not believe in war with them. It is our stupidity in going into that nation that causes the insurgents or different nations to attack us. The war in Afghanistan is what we should be focused on. Fighting the true causers of 9/11. We should trade with more nations and stop these stupid economic sanctions on nations that mean us no harm. No real threat from Cuba has come to us for over forty years. And that threat was squashed by peace and talk. Not war.
What will war solve in Syria? Saudi Arabia? Iran? Or any other nation that has done no harm to our people or to our nation. The war in Iraq is a show or force that is not need. This war brings more hate toward us not showing that we are "liberators" as the Bush administration tells us. All but one Republican wants war with Iraq. Do not be fooled by the neo-conservatives.

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